It's We, not Me: Building on the Social Nature of Human Consciousness

Human beings are the cooperative primate, and it seems likely that human cognition began as an extension of cooperation built on non-verbal perspective taking. From that beginning seed, human cognition grew in two directions:  an interconnected sense of consciousness and problem solving. A problem solving mode of mind can easily overwhelm  human consciousness, however, and modern acceptance and mindfulness-based psychotherapies are in the business of bring these two features of human cognition into better balance.

In this talk I will explain how the psychological flexibility model
rationalizes that balance and will explore what it suggests for a transdiagnostic 
approach to human suffering and thriving, using data largely drawn from Acceptance and
Commitment Therapy research.

Keywords: consciousness; psychological flexibility; mindfulness; Acceptance and
Commitment Therapy


Attendees will learn:

1. The social cognitive basis of human consciousness
2. To recognize the three key features of psychological flexibility
3. How human cognition amplified cooperation, perspective taking, and problem solving
4. How modern acceptance and mindfulness-based psychotherapies keep consciousness and problem-solving in balance

Keynote Steven Hayes